In partnership with the Maine Memory Network Maine Memory Network

Blue Hill, Maine

“the charm of its situation, its sparkling bay..."


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Lobster Insect drawing, Blue Hill, 1790

Lobster Insect drawing, Blue Hill, 1790

Item 33921 info
Jonathan Fisher Memorial, Inc.

The lobster insect drawing - ink on paper - demonstrates both Jonathan Fisher's fascination with nature and his talent in drawing with great precision.

Camera Obscura, Blue Hill, 1824

Camera Obscura, Blue Hill, 1824

Item 33922 info
Jonathan Fisher Memorial, Inc.

The camera obscura pictured here was built by Jonathan Fisher and actually folds shut into a suitcase-like holder which could be easily transported.

The camera obscura concept is not unlike a pinhole camera in that the image is taken in through a small opening and projected onto another surface (in this case it would be projected onto paper placed inside the curved enclosure at the bottom of the object).

There it could be traced thus creating an accurate reflection of what the eye would see from the same location,

Prism, Blue Hill, ca. 1790

Prism, Blue Hill, ca. 1790

Item 33923 info
Jonathan Fisher Memorial, Inc.

This prism was fashioned by Jonathan Fisher as a magnifying lens.

When it was filled with water it helped a person to read small text with much more ease.

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