Byers, Douglas S. The Nevin Shellheap Burials and Observations, 1979.
Candage, R.G.F. At Home Around the World. Capt. R.G.F. Candage: Autobiography . A Sailing Master’s Journal. 1911 (reprinted 2003).
Candage, R.G.F. Historical Address, 1886 (reprinted 2006).
Candage, R.G.F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine, Volume I, 1905.—(LI)
Candage, R.G.F. Historical Sketches of Blue Hill, Maine, Volume II, 1907.
Chase, E.H. Feminist Convert: A Portrait of Mary Ellen Chase, 1988.
Chase, Mary Ellen. A Goodly Heritage, 1932.
Chase, Mary Ellen. A Goodly Fellowship, 1939.
Chase, Mary Ellen. The Edge of Darkness, 1957.
Chase, Mary Ellen. Jonathan Fisher, Maine Parson 1768-1847, 1948. (JF)
Chase, Mary Ellen. Mary Peters, 1934 (reprinted 2005).
Chase, Mary Ellen. Silas Crockett, 1935 (reprinted 2003).
Chase, Mary Ellen. Windswept, 1941 (reprinted 2006).
Clough, Annie. Head of the Bay, 1953 (reprinted 2006). .---(SORL); (SHIP) (JF)
Clements, Robert. Parker Point Homes - A Parker Point Scrapbook, 1983. .---(SORL)
Duncan, R. Coastal Maine: A Maritime History, 1992.
Fischer, D.A. Albion’s Seed: Four British Folkways in America, 1989.
Fisher, Jonathan. Scripture Animals : A Natural History of the Living Creatures Named in the Bible, Publisher: Pyne Press, 1972. (JF)
Fisher, Jonathan, and Winchester, Alice. Versatile Yankee : the Art of Jonathan Fisher, 1768-1847, Pyne Press, 1973. (JF)
Hinckley, William P. Bits of Local History, 1989. —(LI)
Hinckley, William P. The Old Cemetery of 1794, revised 1976 edition-- (LC)
McLane, Charles B. Islands of the Mid-Maine Coast: Blue Hill and Penobscot Bays, 1982. —(LI)
O’Leary, W.M. Maine Sea Fisheries: The Rise and Fall of a Native Industry, 1830-1890, 1996.
Rowe, W.H. The Maritime History of Maine: Three Centuries of Shipbuilding and Seafaring, 1948.
Shain, C., Shain, S. The Maine Reader: the Down East Experience 1614 to the Present, 1991.
Smith, Raoul N. The Language of Jonathan Fisher (1768-1847), University of Alabama Press, 1985. (JF)
William A. Farnsworth Library and Art Museum. The Arts and Crafts of the Versatile Parson Fisher, 1768-1847, Downeast Books, 1967. (JF)
Wood, Esther. Deep Roots: A Maine Legacy, 1990.---(SORL)
Wood, Esther. Hannah: Reminiscences of an 1850 Childhood, 1982.
Wood, Esther. Saltwater Seasons, 1980.
Manuscripts and Miscellaneous
Photographs, early postcards, and artifacts from the collections of the Blue Hill Historical Society, the Jonathan Fisher Memorial, and the Blue Hill Public Library.
The letter from R.G.W. Dodge to Captain Treworgy, the protest (insurance claim) of the /Ocean Ranger/ and the bills of laden and Charty Party for the/ Lemuel Peters/ are all on file at the Holt House.
The Diaries of Jonathan Fisher (translation-2003). —(LI) (JF)
Herrick, R.B. A Century of Shipbuilding in Blue Hill Maine 1792-1892, (Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts (in History, University of Maine, Orono), 1964.
Perkins, V.C. A Mining Boom in Maine: Blue Hill, 1876-1883, Reprinted from an issue in New England Quarterly.
Porter Joseph W. Maine Historical Magazine, Vol VIII No. 9, Sept 1893. —(LI)
Sawyer, Rick. The Vital Records of Blue Hill, ME, unpublished.--(LC)
Willis, William. Collections of the Maine Historical Society--Vol 1. 1869. —(LI)
Jonathan Fisher Memorial and BHHS archived documents, letters, ledgers, objects, etc.
Images, artifacts,and documents from the personal collection of Denny Robertson, Linda Elder, and Cordell Snow. —(LI)
Thesis on Shipbuilders of Blue Hill by Rebecca Herrick—(SHIP)
Personal interviews with members of the community:
Mike Astbury
Westy Brownlow
Jerry Butler
Jeannette Candage
Linwood Carter
Ron Conterio
Gayle Durnbaugh
Brad W. Emerson, Director, Jonathan Fisher Memorial (JF)
Gordon Emerson
Karen Frangoulis
Denny Robertson
Ed Schneider
Helen Sylvester
Sheila Varnum
Internet Sources
*All sources used for Blue Hill’s narrative, except exhibits where noted:
(SHIP)—Shipbuilding an Important Early Industry
(SORL)—In Search of the Rustic Life
(LI)—Long Island: The Forgotten Community
(JF)--Unlocking the Person Beyond the Parson
(LC)--Looking for the Lost Cemetery